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11 jul 2010

Becas Licenciaturas, Ingenieras y Posgrados en Marruecos (FRANCÉS)

Educational Opportunities for Foreign Applicants to Higher Education in Morocco 2010-2011
Undergraduate studies (Bachelor´s degree): The applicants must be holders of the baccalaureate (high school diploma) during the year 2010 with the following marks of distinction "Very Good", "Good" or "Fairly Good".

- Graduate studies and Doctorat: The applicants for admission to graduate studies (Masters) must be holders of a higher education degree (BAC +3, +4, or +5) in the requested field of studies with results showing the mark of distinction "Very Good" or "Good".

The applicants for admission to post-graduate studies (Doctorat) must be holders of a graduate degree in the requested field of studies recognized as being equivalent to Moroccan institution-granted diplomas and giving access to the academic establishments sought.
Studies for:

- French is the language of instruction in most academic establhishments in Morocco, notably in scientific and techical study programs and schemes.
The applicants coming from non French-speaking countries wishing to enrol in the said fields of study and meeting the general admission requirements will have to take upgrading courses in Frend at the Faculté des Sciences de l´Education, in Rabat, for one year, during the academic year 2010-2011. The students who have successfully completed this course will be guided towards the appropriate field of studies according to: their academic qualifications, the set prerequisities and criteria, and the educational openings available for each field of studies.

*The scholarship granted for UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES usually covers the duration of the study/training program, which is normaly 1 to 7 years, coupled with an additional year called "année de bourse de reserve".

*The scholarship for the MASTER DEGREE or GRADUATE STUDIES is granted for two years.

*The DOCTORAL scholarship is granted for a period of three years. It can be extended for an extra 24 months, as a maximum, depending on the progress made in the doctoral research.

- El inicio y finalización de cada curso varía dependiendo el programa y especialización a estudiar.

Información general

Directorio instituciones públicas de educación superior

Formulario de solicitud


Programas de becas para pregrado, posgrado y doctorado en Marruecos (Frances)

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